Worried That Your Next SEC Audit Will End in Fines? TAKE THE ASSESSMENT

Preparing for SEC Audits: Expectations and Outcomes Every RIA Should Know

Preparing for SEC Audits: Expectations and Outcomes Every RIA Should Know

SEC Audit Requirements: Essential Preparation for RIAs

It isn’t a matter of if, it is a matter of when.

Every firm at some point in time will be audited by their state or federal regulator.

Understanding SEC audits and their requirements is crucial for Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) to navigate the regulatory landscape effectively.

What to Expect from SEC Audits

Firms can expect an initial exam within the first 6 to 24 months of registration with the SEC. This examination serves to familiarize regulators with your firm, identify risks unique to your business model, and determine where you fall on the risk spectrum.

High-Risk vs. Low-Risk Models

Firms that present higher risks of client harm will be examined more frequently, while those assessed as lower risk will face less frequent audits.

During an audit, the SEC will review various aspects of your operations, including:

  • Financial records and reporting
  • Business practices and compliance documentation
  • Client interactions and communications

Areas of review are wide, and any red flags or concerning data you provide could lead the SEC to take a deeper look or initiate a for-cause exam.

This Is When Your Compliance Strategy Is Put to the Test

If you have been relying on a non-attorney consultant and they have messed something up, you can’t defend yourself by saying you relied on your consultant.

HOWEVER, reliance on counsel IS a defense. Utilizing a law firm for your compliance and legal needs actually reduces risk with the regulators AND your insurance company.

Many of our clients are able to negotiate lower rates on their insurance because they can show their insurance company that they are utilizing a law firm for compliance and legal support.

The Time Commitment of SEC Audits

SEC audits are a big time-suck. It takes a lot of time to pull the data, format it per the SEC’s specifications, and then provide information about your financials, business practices, clients, and more. It is not uncommon for firms to have multiple people work 40+ hours to prepare the responses.

Firms that successfully go through an audit have a knowledgeable legal and compliance partner like My RIA Lawyer, who guides them through the process, preparing them for speaking to examiners in person and working to identify any areas of concern. Where we are the CCO, we handle the audit from start to finish.

Preparing for an SEC Audit

1. Invest in the Right Compliance Support

When it comes to compliance, the choice of support can make all the difference. Relying on a non-attorney consultant may leave you vulnerable if something goes wrong; you can’t defend your decisions based on their advice. Instead, choosing My RIA Lawyer as your compliance partner offers a significant advantage.

2. Maintain Comprehensive Records

Ensure that all documentation is thorough and easily accessible. This includes client communications, transaction records, compliance checks, and any other relevant materials. Well-organized records not only facilitate a smoother audit process but also demonstrate your firm’s commitment to transparency and accountability.

3. Engage in Continuing Education Opportunities

Advisers need CE credits, and regular training can help cultivate a culture of awareness and responsibility. Keeping your team informed about the latest regulatory changes and compliance best practices empowers them to identify issues early and adhere to company policies.

4. Conduct Regular Mock Exams

Performing SEC mock exams can help identify weaknesses in your compliance program before the actual SEC audit occurs. These practice sessions allow your team to simulate the audit process, assess readiness, and refine responses to potential examiner questions. Mock exams can help you identify gaps and address them BEFORE they become a problem.

5. Embrace Proactive Compliance Measures

Proactive compliance is about anticipating and addressing potential risks before they escalate into issues. Regularly monitor the regulatory landscape and stay informed about new rules and industry best practices. Conduct systematic risk assessments and mock exams to identify vulnerabilities. This forward-thinking approach not only helps you stay compliant but also demonstrates your commitment to excellence in compliance, ultimately positioning your firm better during SEC audits.

6. Leverage Technology for Compliance Monitoring

Utilize compliance software or tools that can automate parts of the compliance monitoring process. These tools can help track regulatory changes, manage documentation, and facilitate reporting, allowing your team to focus on more strategic compliance initiatives.

Preparing for an SEC audit is essential for every Registered Investment Advisor (RIA). It’s not just about compliance; it’s an opportunity to enhance your firm’s credibility and operations. By investing in the right compliance support, keeping thorough records, and engaging in continuing education, you can navigate regulatory challenges with ease.

If you can demonstrate to the SEC that your firm is low risk, you’re more likely to enjoy less frequent audits in the future.

Ultimately, a strong compliance strategy protects your firm from penalties and builds trust with clients, ensuring your long-term success in a rapidly changing regulatory landscape.

What Happens After an SEC Audit?

When your firm undergoes an SEC audit, several potential outcomes can arise, each with implications for your compliance efforts and overall operations. Understanding these outcomes can help you prepare effectively.

No Action Letter

The ideal result is a No Action or No Findings letter, which indicates that the SEC did not identify any deficiencies during the audit. However, it’s important to note that this outcome is relatively rare, occurring in only about 5% of cases. A No Action letter does not equate to a perfect score; it simply means the SEC found no immediate issues. Even with this positive outcome, continuous improvement in your compliance practices remains essential.

Deficiency Letter

The most common outcome is receiving a deficiency letter, which more than 90% of firms face. This letter outlines specific compliance deficiencies or violations of regulations. Typically, firms are given a set period to respond and address these issues. Common areas of concern include inadequate recordkeeping, insufficient disclosure to clients, and lapses in compliance protocols. Addressing these deficiencies promptly is vital to maintaining regulatory standing and avoiding further scrutiny.

Referral to Enforcement

This is an all-hands-on-deck kind of situation. If the SEC identifies significant or repeated violations, there is a risk of referral to the Division of Enforcement. This is serious and can lead to more severe consequences, including potential penalties or legal action. If you still haven’t called in a compliance nerd, now is definitely the time to do so.

Ongoing Compliance Obligations

Regardless of the outcome, firms must remain vigilant. Audits often lead to increased scrutiny and expectations from regulators. This means that even if your firm receives a favorable outcome, it’s essential to continue evolving your compliance program to meet changing regulatory demands and protect your clients.

Your Next SEC Audit is Getting Closer and Closer

Remember that a proactive compliance strategy is key to not only surviving the process but thriving in it.

Investing in the right support and staying informed can enhance your firm’s credibility and minimize risks. If you’re ready to take your compliance efforts to the next level, My RIA Lawyer is here to help. We offer comprehensive compliance and legal solutions tailored to your needs, ensuring you are always ahead of regulatory changes.

Contact us today for help navigating the complexities of SEC audits and safeguarding your firm’s success.

Author Bio

Leila Shaver is the Founder of My RIA Lawyer, a law firm that provides compliance and legal consulting for financial institutions. With extensive experience as a securities attorney and compliance expert, she has served as Chief Compliance Officer and General Counsel to RIAs, BDs, and TAMPs with billions in assets under management.

Leila understands the challenges RIAs face and is committed to helping RIAs streamline their processes, mitigate risks, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. She received her Juris Doctor from Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School and is a West Georgia Young Lawyers’ Association member. Leila has received numerous accolades for her work, including the Carroll County Bar Association’s Outstanding Young Lawyer Award in 2017.

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